School district employees have the same constitutionally-protected rights to speak and act on matters of public concern as any other citizen's. However, these rights are not unlimited when the speech or action takes place during school time and/or on school grounds. In such cases, the Board of Education can impose reasonable restrictions on time, place, and manner of the speech or action. The Board may even control the content of speech if it significantly threatens the efficient operation of the schools or if it conflicts with the educational mission of the district as set forth by the Board.
Employees of the school district may not use the classroom (or any other part of the school) as a forum for promoting their personal political views and their opinions on matters of public concern, nor may they use regular work hours to do so. Further, district employees may not exploit pupils for their own political advantage or that of a party or candidate. Teachers, nonetheless, are encouraged to raise “current events” issues, use political figures as resource figures in the classroom, and encourage students to become involved in the political process, so long as these activities are of educational value to the students.
Cross-ref: 6230, Federal Funds
Note: Prior policies, Policy Manual, 1311; 3232, revised
Policy Adopted: July 24, 1996 Wayne Central School District
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