The Board of Education recognizes that the use of volunteers strengthens school/community relations through positive participation, builds an understanding of school programs among interested citizen's, and assists employees in providing more individualization and enrichment opportunities in instruction.
 Volunteers may come from all backgrounds and age groups and may include any persons willing to give their time for the purpose of helping children through planned auxiliary services. Volunteers may be involved in many facets of school operations, from mentor/tutor relationships to clerical tasks. School personnel who are responsible for tasks or projects that will make use of volunteers will identify appropriate tasks and time schedules for such activities, as well as make provisions for adequate supervision, inservice programs, and evaluation. Volunteers will not be used to provide transportation for school-sponsored activities.
   Services of volunteers will be coordinated through the building principal or persons designated by the Board and/or the Superintendent. All volunteers may be subject to the same screening procedures used for regular school employees, including but not limited to the following:    
 1.  Volunteers may be required to provide references, who will be contacted before the      volunteer begins services on school grounds.
 2.  The district reserves the right to request information on previous criminal convictions.
 The district may maintain complete confidential records of any information obtained
through any of the above procedures.

Note:  Policy added
Policy Adopted: January 29, 1997  Wayne Central School District

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