The Board of Education acknowledges that some community members may have concerns regarding district operations, instruction, programs, materials, and/or staff members. The main goal of the district is to resolve such concerns with only the parties involved, whenever possible. Public complaints about the school district will be directed to the proper administrative personnel. Complaints about specific classroom practices shall be directed to the teacher concerned.
 If the matter is not settled satisfactorily, the complainant shall then contact the Building Principal and submit to him/her a written statement explaining the nature of the complaint and of the initial meeting with the administrator or teacher. If there is no resolution on this level, the Superintendent of Schools shall be contacted. Prior to meeting with the Superintendent, the complainant shall submit to him/her all written documentation (including responses from district personnel) pertaining to the complaint. The Superintendent shall review the complaint and all related material and hold a discussion with the parties involved. His/her subsequent decision will then be forwarded to those parties.
 If resolution is still not achieved, the party making the complaint may refer the issue to the Board for final resolution. The Board will decide whether or not to grant a hearing after receiving all written materials pertaining to the complaint.
 All matters referred to the Superintendent and/or the Board must be in writing. Concerns registered directly to the Board as a whole or to an individual Board member shall be referred as soon as is reasonably possible to the Superintendent for investigation, report, and/or resolution.
 A reasonable time frame should be followed by all parties involved in the process.
Cross-ref:         1240, Visitors to the Schools
   1440, Complaints about School Personnel

Policy Adopted: July 24, 1996  Wayne Central School District

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