The Board of Education recognizes the opportunity to receive an education as a prerequisite to leading a full and productive life. Therefore, pregnant students will be encouraged to continue participation in the public school program.
As soon as pregnancy is medically confirmed, the Board recommends that the student and her parent(s) or guardian(s) consult with the Building Principal and other appropriate staff to plan an appropriate education program.
 A minor under 16 must continue her education. During pregnancy and the post-partum period, a student shall be entitled to home instruction, upon the request and submission of a physician's note recommending homebound instruction. Every effort will be made to see that the educational program of the student is disrupted as little as possible; that available student health and counseling services, as well as instruction, are provided; that the student is encouraged to return to high school after delivery; and that every opportunity is given to complete high school. A pregnant student who desires to attend regularly scheduled classes prior to the time of childbirth may do so to the extent that her physician approves of such attendance. A minor under 16 must return to school after the post-partum period.
Ref:    Ordway v. Hargraves, 323 F.Supp 1155 (1971)
Perry v. Grenada Municipal Separate School District, 300 F.Supp 748 (1969)
Matter of Murphy, 11 EDR 180 (1972)

Note:  Policy added
Policy Adopted: January 29, 1997        Wayne Central School District

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