The Board of Education recognizes that the safety of students, employees and the public is paramount in all school operations. All students, employees and the public are to comply with all safety laws or ordinances. Unsafe conditions observed by an employee are to be promptly reported to the administration and will be corrected immediately. All employees are responsible for safety and are to file their concerns with the district’s Safety Committee whenever hazards on the job are encountered.
The Board of Education authorizes the safety committee to identify potential loss areas, and recommend to the superintendent, safety and control programs to deal with potential problem areas and monitor the effectiveness of the selected programs.
The safety committee is to address and provide guidance on the following principal areas of concern:
1.   accidents and incidents;
2.  inspection of buildings and grounds;
3.  fire inspection and reports*;
4.  inspection of district vehicles;
5.  establishment of loss control procedures;
6.  implementation of insurer recommendations;
7.  review of safety programs in all areas of school operations; and
8.  providing employees with safety information.
(*) Within twenty (20) days after the filing of a fire inspection report, the District Clerk shall publish a legal notice in at least one (1) official district newspaper announcing the state report is complete and available for public notice.
Each of these areas is to be analyzed by using the following risk and safety management steps:
1.  identify problem areas;
2.  select alternative solutions;
3.  choose the appropriate solution;
4.  implement the solution; and
5.  monitor results and institute change, if necessary.
The programs shall incorporate the following objectives:
1.  accident prevention through effective supervision of the district’s services and student activities while educating students and district employees to develop good safety habits;
2.  fire prevention by avoiding careless misuse of materials; and
3.   prevention of boiler explosions through proper maintenance and inspection procedures
The safety committee is to meet bi-monthly to review all safety and health hazard concerns by employees, accident reports, workers’ compensation claims, reports and recommendations of safety and health inspectors and other matters that the safety committee coordinator may place on the agenda. The committee is to investigate all federal and state-mandated employee safety and health training requirements and report is findings and recommendations to the superintendent of schools as necessary. The superintendent of schools shall distribute minutes from this committee to the Board of Education.
ADOPTED: May 7, 1977

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