The Board of Education shall consider whether to apply for any federal aid for which it is eligible. The district will make application for federal funds when the purpose for such funds is within the educational goals of the school district. These monies will be budgeted in special aid accounts and approved by the Board. The administrative staff has the responsibility to evaluate federally funded programs and make recommendations. A separate federal aid fund shall be maintained to record all financial transactions in federally aided programs and projects. A separate checking account, distinct from all other district accounts, shall be maintained for federal funds.
 Federal funds may not be used for partisan political purposes of any kind by any person or group of persons involved in the administration of federally-assisted programs. Political purposes may include but are not limited to lobbying activities, publications, or materials intended for influencing legislation. Any cost associated with such activities which may be charged directly or indirectly to federally-assisted programs is prohibited.
 No employee of the district shall solicit the support of any political candidate, partisan or non-partisan, or support any issue on any referendum matter, or engage in advertising or commercial solicitations during regular work hours on district property.
Cross-ref:  1310, Staff Participation in Political Activities
Ref:  8 NYCRR Parts 114; 167; 200
Note:  Prior policies, Policy Manual, 3230 and 3232, revised
Policy Adopted: March 12, 1997        Wayne Central School District

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