The Board of Education believes that students who, by reason of foreign birth or ancestry, have limited English proficiency (LEP), will be more effective learners of both the language and the curriculum if they receive the appropriate support. Therefore the Board will ensure that LEP students are provided a program in both English language acquisition and academics, while their native culture is respected.
The district shall screen every new entrant to the schools to determine whether they are possibly LEP. Each student identified as LEP will have access to appropriate instructional and support services, including guidance programs, and shall have an equal opportunity to participate in all school programs and extracurricular activities as non-LEP students.
 The Board directs the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction to monitor annual LEP evaluations, oversee the hiring of support personnel for LEP students, and serve as liaison with the State Education Department regarding LEP students.
Section 154 of the Commissioner's Regulations outlines school district requirements for students with limited English proficiency.
Cross-ref: 4325, Compensatory Education
Ref:      Education Law §3204
Bilingual Education Act of 1974, §§701 et seq., 20 U.S.C. §§880b et seq.
Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974, §§201 et seq.,
20 U.S.C. §§1701 et seq.
8 NYCRR §§80.9; 80.10; 117; 154 et seq.
Lau v. Nichols, 414 U.S. 563 (1974)
Rios v. Read, 480 F. Supp. 14 (1978)

Cintron v. Brentwood UFSD, 455 F.Supp 57 (1978)
Aspira of New York v. Board of Educ. (City of New York), 394 F. Supp. 1161 (1974)
Note:  Policy added
Policy Adopted: January 24, 1997  Wayne Central School District

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