The Board of Education recognizes its obligation to hold an annual reorganizational meeting. The purpose of the reorganizational meeting shall be to elect officers of the Board and make the proper appointments and designations of other district employees for the proper management of the school district during the school year. The Board shall also perform such annual functions as are designated by law.
The annual reorganizational meeting of the Board of Education shall be held before July 15 as previously established by Board resolution.
 The meeting shall be called to order by the previous Board President or his/her designee, who shall preside until the election of a new president. The order of business to be conducted at the organization meeting shall include the following items required or implied by state law and/or regulation:
I.  Administration of Oath
The District Clerk shall administer the oath of office to newly-elected Board members. Such oath shall conform to Article XIII-1 of the New York State Constitution, and Section 10 of the Public Officers Law; the Clerk shall countersign the oath. No new Board member shall be permitted to vote until he/she has taken the oath of office.

II.  Election of Officers

The Board shall elect a president and vice-president for the ensuing year, and the District Clerk shall administer the oath of office to them. Such service shall be limited to three consecutive terms. A majority of all members of the Board shall be necessary for a valid election.

III.  Appointment of Officers
   The Board shall appoint and establish the stipend (if any) for the following officers:
District Treasurer  Assistant Treasurer
Clerk of the Board  Deputy District Clerk
Internal Claims Auditor  Tax Collector
Assistant Internal Claims Auditor  Clerical Assistant for the Tax Collector
IV.  Other Appointments
The Board shall appoint and establish the stipend (if any) for the following positions:
School Physician  School Attorney
Census Enumerator  Attendance Officer
Purchasing Agent  School Architect
District Auditor  Records Access Officer
Asbestos Designee  Records Management Officer
Civil Service Appointing Officer  American Disabilities Act Coordinator
Title IX/Section 504 Hearing Officer(s)
Central Treasurer, Extraclassroom Activity Account

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