The Board of Education is committed to providing an environment free from any form of harassment or discrimination, including, but not limited to, those based on gender, race, religion, age, sexual orientation, color, mental or physical disabilities.
Conduct is deemed to be harassment when:
·   the recipient perceives such behavior as unwelcome
·   the purpose or effect is such as to create an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment on school grounds or at school-sponsored activities
·   a requirement of sexual cooperation is stated or implied for academic achievement or employment
Harassment or discrimination can originate with a person of either sex against any other person of the same or opposite sex.
Anyone – student, employee or visitor – who believes that s/he has been subjected to harassment or discrimination or any person with knowledge of such harassment or discrimination, shall report the alleged misconduct immediately to a counselor, the building principal or the Superintendent of Schools.
·   all complaints will be investigated immediately so that appropriate corrective action may be taken
·   all complaints will be treated in a confidential manner with only such limited disclosure as may be necessary to complete a thorough investigation
·   any retaliatory behavior against complainants or witnesses is prohibited
The Superintendent of Schools is directed to develop and implement regulations for reporting, investigating and remedying allegations of harassment or discrimination. The regulations are to be attached to this policy and must be consistent with any applicable provisions contained in the school district’s policy manual, collective bargaining agreements, tenure laws and any other state or federal laws on harassment or discrimination.
[BOE revision, January 19,2000]
The Superintendent of Schools is directed to raise consciousness and to implement preventative measures to raise awareness of students.
A copy of this policy and its accompanying regulation shall be posted in a prominent place in each school district facility and shall be published in student, parent and employee handbooks as well as other appropriate school district publications.

Revision & Combination of Policy 5020.1 (adopted 1-29-97) and Policy 9110.2 (adopted 5-7-97)
               Ontario Center, New York l4520

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