2. Approval
      3. Payment and Reimbursement



The Board of Education supports attendance at conferences and professional meetings so that staff member shall be encouraged to remain current in their specific areas and to provide opportunities for professional growth and stimulation. Conference attendance shall be on a rotational basis within buildings and/or departments and only a portion of any one department should attend a conference at any one time. The number of conference days each year may be limited.


1.  Request for Approval of Conference Attendance forms shall be obtained from the main office in each school building or from the Superintendent of School’s Office. This form must be completed and submitted to the building principal, a district office administrator or support staff supervisor either one (1) month or as far in advance of the date of the conference as possible. The principal or administrator will recommend approval or disapproval of the request and forward the form to the Superintendent of Schools for final approval or disapproval. The principal or administrator will record the budget code and the dollar amount recommended to the Superintendent of Schools.
2.  The Superintendent of Schools will review the request and indicate approval, specifying the amount for reimbursement.
3.  If approved, the Superintendent of Schools will keep one copy and distribute one copy to the staff member, the principal, the personnel office, and the business office if necessary for reimbursement.
4.  If not approved, the Superintendent of Schools will return the form to the principal who will inform the conferee of denial.

Payment and Reimbursement

Payment and Reimbursement
1.  Conference Registration - The district shall prepay registration fees if the Business Office receives the request at least one (1) month before the date of the conference. If the staff member pays the registration fee, the district will reimburse only when the staff member presents a receipt or canceled check.
2.   Lodging - The district shall pay the deposit on a hotel/motel in advance if the Business Office receives the request for such deposit at least one (1) month before the date of the conference. Otherwise a purchase order or claim form will be provided to the conferee to be taken and presented to the hotel/motel for payment. If the staff member pays lodging, the district shall reimburse only when a receipt is presented. The staff member should be aware that if New York State sales tax is paid the district cannot reimburse for that amount.
ADOPTED: May 7, 1997

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Adoption date: May 7, 1997