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Students of the Wayne Central School District have the right to develop academic, physical, emotional and social skills that will lead to their success in life. The Board of Education, administration, faculty, parents, community, and students share the responsibility of making sure that no one is denied that important right. They are committed to maintaining a school system that provides students and staff with a productive, satisfying and wholesome learning environment.
The Board of Education believes that each student can reasonably be expected to be responsible for his/her own behavior.
The school administration shall develop and distribute rules of conduct by which the student body will be guided and governed. Students who violate school rules may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action and supervision.
Discipline will be firm, fair, consistent, and appropriate to the seriousness of the offense. Extreme penalties (e.g., a one-year suspension) will not be assigned without first reviewing the student’s disciplinary records and considering the circumstances which led to the improper behavior.
Early Identification and Resolution of Student Discipline Problems
It is expected that teachers will handle most discipline problems at the time that they occur. However, in situations where a teacher or other staff member feels satisfactory progress has not been achieved, the, problem should be referred immediately to the building principal. The building principal will conduct an investigation, which may include conferences with the student, parents, teachers, guidance personnel or others for the early identification and resolution of the suspected problem.
Discipline Policy for Students with Disabilities
Students with disabilities should not be disciplined if their inability to conform to the school’s Code of Conduct is related to that disability. If it is suspected that a student’s behavior is related to a disability, the building principal will refer the matter to the Committee on Special Education (CSE). The CSE will decide if counseling or disciplinary action will be taken and/or if a change of placement is appropriate.
If the behavior of such a student might endanger the health and safety of himself/herself or others the district will follow the procedures outlined by law and local policy.
Whenever the CSE determines that a student will require “alternative disciplinary procedures,” the CSE chairperson shall notify the building principal in writing.


                        Ontario Center, New York l4520
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Inservice Programs for Staff
Each year building principals shall review the disciplinary code explaining options available to staff and the types of assistance available to assist staff with their concerns for the management and discipline of students.
The Board of Education is committed to maintaining a school system which provides students and staff with productive, satisfying, and wholesome learning environments.
The Board of Education is also committed to protecting First Amendment freedoms within the school system; however, lawlessness in any form will not be tolerated. The district will not permit students to engage in any conduct intended to destroy personal or school property, disrupt or interfere with teaching, research, service, administrative or disciplinary functions, or any district-sponsored or approved activity.
The best discipline is self-imposed and students must learn to assume and accept responsibility for their own behavior, as well as the consequences of their misbehavior. District personnel who interact with students are expected to use disciplinary action only when necessary and to place emphasis on the students’ ability to grow in self-discipline.
It is understood that the expectation for student behavior while in attendance at school as well as school functions needs to be clearly stated and modeled.
As a general rule, discipline will be progressive. This means that a student’s first violation may merit a lighter penalty than subsequent violations.
It is important to note that there are some differences in the Code of Conduct for each particular level. These differences are due to the unique nature of the development of the students at each level as well as the dynamics within specific buildings. Individual building principals will publish Codes of Conduct for their schools in their student handbooks.
If the conduct of a student is related to a disability or suspected disability, the student shall be referred to the Committee on Special Education and discipline, if warranted, shall be administered consistent with the separate requirements of this Code of Conduct for disciplining students with a disability. A student identified as having a disability shall not be disciplined for behavior related to his/her disability.


                          Ontario Center, New York l4520

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