(Please Note: This is a copy of the Handout given each of my students on the the first day of class. If you need extra copies any of the forms, you can either print these or ask for an addition paper copy. )


Course Expectations

Grading Policy

Homework Policy

7th Grade Classroom Rules

How to keep track of your student's progress

Our Course Outline for 2003-2004

Parent Sheet

Parent Permission Sheet


Social Studies 7 Beginning of the Year Handout

Keshequa Middle School

Teacher: Mr. Cook
Phone: 468-2541 ext 2065
School Year 2003-2004
Email: tcook@keshequa.org
Room: 2065


Welcome to 7th Grade Social Studies! This year we begin a two-year adventure in Our Great American History Challenge. Our Middle School Social Studies courses challenge us to be good Social Scientists ­ to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to explore our history, geography, economy, government, and much more. All in all, it will be an exciting trip into our past, present, and future!

There are several parts to this sheet. They include the expectations, policies, and procedures we will use during the year. You will also find attached our classroom rules and a special SS7 sheet which should be returned as soon as possible.

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Course Expectations

Our goal is to become good Social Scientists. A good Social Scientist is someone who enjoys learning and demonstrates continual growth, has a body of knowledge and skills, is able to investigate problems and find and apply solutions, communicates effectively and works cooperatively, accepts responsibility for their actions and their learning.

As good Social Scientists we will be able to successfully solve the problems and challenges we face in Social Studies, including homework, tests, projects, and passing the grade. Everyone who works hard and does his or her best will be successful!

Here are some useful Steps for Success in 8th Social Studies

For a more complete description of expectations, requirements, procedures, and rules you can contact Mr. Cook.

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Grading Policy

We will be following the general grading procedures found in the Student Handbook. In each ten-week period, your Social Studies grade will be figure using the following categories and weights:

It is important to remember that your grade depends on you. You will have the opportunity to correct and return most of your student work, and participate in remediation activities for your quiz and test grades. If you do your best and take responsibility, you will be successful!

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Homework Policy

Homework is a significant part of our work. I never give busy work ­ each assignment is important. To do well you must complete each of the homework steps below to the best of your ability (we will learn more about these steps in class.)

1. Get the Assignment (make sure you understand it and have the necessary materials!)
2. Do the Assignment completely and to the best of your ability!
3. Bring the Assignment to Class
4. Get Feedback in form of grades or other assessment.
5. THEN ­ either success or go back through the steps again!

We will be setting our goals at 80 or better. That means that success is when we get an 80 or higher on an assignment. Any thing less we should always rework!

If I student consistently fails to complete homework, they may lose their choice in how they make up their work. Remember, homework is essential to success!

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7th Grade Classroom Rules

We all want to reach the goals we have set for this year's Social Studies, and to do this we want a classroom that runs smoothly and safely and which promotes learning. That is why we will be following these basic rules...

1. We will follow the rules found in the student handbook and discipline code.

2. We will treat everyone and everything with respect.

3. We will all take responsibility for our learning and behavior.

4. We will come to class prepared and begin at the bell by getting out our materials and checking the "Can You" board.

5. We will make sure not to disturb the class or classmates by inappropriate talking or actions.

6. Each student will be given six bathroom/locker slips per ten weeks. Students can use these at anytime during class, but is responsible for the material or activities we are doing at class. Students should not abuse the privilege.

7. You don't have to ask permission to leave your seats to get a tissue or sharpen your pencil, but remember to follow rules #2, #3, & #5.

We will be following the discipline code procedure in handling the breaking of any these rules.

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A Final Note To Parents!

Here are some ways you can keep up with your student's Social Studies work:

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7th Grade Social Studies Content Outline 2003-2004

Introduction September


Unit One Our Nation's Roots October/November


Unit Two A Nation is Born December/ January


Unit Three The Nation Takes Shape Feb / March

Unit Four The Nation Expands April / May



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Parent Sheet SS8 Mr. Cook Student's Name_______________________

Directions: Parents should review the attached handout with their student and then fill out and sign this sheet. Please remember to fill also fill in the back. Students should return this sheet to Mr. Cook by September 11th. Be sure to keep the rest of the handout!

1. What do you think your student needs to improve upon in order to be successful in Social Studies this year? (example: completing homework, organization, quiz scores, paying attention...)







2. Are there any other special things I should know about your student or your family? (If you would like to talk to me directly about this, please check the box below.)











I reviewed this handout with my student on (date) _________________

Parent's Signature ________________________


Check this box if you feel it would be helpful to talk with you before we begin our program.

Your Phone Number ________________________

Other Questions or Comments:


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Parent Permission Sheet Mr. Cook Middle School Social Studies


A few times during the school year we will be leaving our classroom and going off school grounds to use our community as a Social Studies Classroom. This will usually consist of one or possibly two periods. Some examples might be a short trip

These are not really "field trips", for we will usually walk to the location. I will give verbal notice to the students the day before we go.

This permission is only for those local walks or trips that are held during our regular Social Studies class time. If we leave the District, or do an optional extra credit activity beyond our class times, we will be using the standard field trip permission slip.

Please complete the permission slip below. It will be kept on file for the year. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.



I give ________________________________________ permission to participate during the school year in Mr. Cook's local trips use the local community as a Social Studies classroom. I do so with the understanding that Mr. Cook will announce verbally the day before such a walk is taken, and will follow the guidelines outlined above.


Parents Signature ______________________________________________________


Date ________________________



Thank you! I look forward to working with you and your student this year!


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