Each school building’s administrators shall be responsible for conducting fire drills in order to instruct students and staff in exiting the school building in an emergency in the shortest time possible and without confusion and panic. Fire drills shall include instruction on fire drill exits and fire alarm boxes, as well as fire drill procedures. Such drills or rapid dismissals shall be held at least twelve times in each year, eight of which required drills shall be held before December 1st 
At least one-third of all such required drills shall be through use of fire escapes on buildings where fire escapes are provided. At least two additional drills shall be held during summer school in buildings where summer school is conducted, and one such drill shall be held during the first week of summer school.
Each school of the district shall maintain a detailed floor plan for exiting the building during fire drills and real fires. Such floor plan and a detailed description of exits and routes to follow, as well as a system of attendance for students and staff, shall be included in each school’s faculty handbook.
Cross-ref:  8130, Emergency Plans
Ref:  Education Law §807
ADOPTED: May 7, l997

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Adoption date: May 7, 1997