English 9 (Block 9.01, meeting days ACD; 9.02, meeting ABD; 9.03, meeting BDE; 9.04, meeting BCE)
    Start periods with episodes from video on Odyssey.
    Day 1:
    Collect Lit. Review Sheets for portfolios in blocks 1 and 4.
    Review Global voc. ( abbot, abdicate, absolutism, acid rain).
    Students compare and contrast the characterization of the characters in “Thank-You, Ma’m,” and in “No-Guitar Blues”—boys, mothers; morality—doing the right thing, acting out of self-centeredness; the use of setting—bright vs. bleak in “No-Guitar,” the home in “Thank-You.”
    Day 2:
    They write and turn in a short composition: everyone knows how to solve particular problems. What sort of problems do you solve best—verbal, logical, social. . . . How do you use your learning styles or intelligences to do that?
    Day 3:
    Students “taste the text,” checking for sensory detail in “The Most Dangerous Game,” Elements, 14-29. They chart the plots (learning to identify major elements: conflict, exposition, complication, crisis, climax, resolution or denouement). We’ll use p. 30, questions 1-9 as a guide.
    Students should expect a quiz on the story.


    ACE English
    Students continue their college application essays. They write two and designate one as the better, with brief explanation. Final drafts are due electronically by 7 p.m., Saturday, October 2.


    English 12 (meeting days BCE)
    Day 1:
    Students write one college app in response to the generic list handed out by teacher or in response to actual colleges that they may apply to. Printed next-to-last drafts are due at the start of class on day 3.
    Day 2:
    1. Each student teaches the class to do or to know something, with emphasis on performance values and content (4 minutes, graded). This project will continue next week.

    Day 3:
    Students examine each other’s college application essays, ranking them by the informal rubric that they have devised. Once each essay has been rated by 6 other students, the authors may begin revising them. Final drafts will be due at a time designated by the teacher.
    Standard 3.2, 4.1


    ELA Lab.09 (meeting day B)
    Examine our class work more closely, especially use of the essay rubric. Students may work on other subjects, with teacher leading them into using ELA skills.

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