English 9 (9.01 meeting A, C, D; 9.02 meeting A, B, D; 9.03 meeting B, D, E; 9.04 meeting B, C, E)
As possible, start each class with an episode from videotape of Odyssey, asking students to report their observations about the conduct of major characters.
Day 1:
General intro: Complete presentations on our ABCD discipline plan (901, 902); contact form(902); notebooks, and portfolio [for permanent file, including Lit Review form]; attendance; informal inventory of learning styles (describe to neighbor how you study successfully[verbal, visual, auditory, kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic, logical/mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal]; that neighbor tells us).
Complete distribution of Elements of Lit. (get numbers). Collect portfolios.
Day 2:
FOCUS: solving problems in writing
Start first composition. First, class lists steps in successful composition-- prewriting for ideas, writing, rewriting. Remind to identify audience, check organization, use detail, check form. [See <\\DUNDEE_HS\VOL1\HOME\TEACHERS\SCHEMARK\ENGL09\writing_process_020907[1].doc>
Distribute essay rubric; use Regents Prep p.6; show models. [See <\\DUNDEE_HS\VOL1\HOME\TEACHERS\SCHEMARK\ENGL09\student papers 9\showcase_040509.DOC>
FOCUS; using note-taking skills, using graphic organizers. using teacher comments on your writing.
Review note-taking and review strategy for reading new text: do SQ3R, asking what do you know, what do you not know or understand, what can you figure out? Read aloud Elements, Gary Soto, pages 72 to 76. (9.01 and 0.04 may already have read these stories; make sure of their preparation).
Students post notes on bulletin board with their answers to these questions; share answers to any questions. [Students finish the reading on their own.]
Go further, if not addressed in student responses: Write a summary of the story. What is it about? What do you know about the protagonist (teach the word) and the situation? What is your reaction to Fausto’s behavior at different moments in the story?
Depending on time, either start first 5 vocabs from Global or review value of graphic organizers. Practice that with this:
Incident in No-Guitar Blues | Meaning of Incident | Similar Incident that you know of |