Minutes - EduTech Steering Committee Meeting 10/15/98
Rochester Thruway Marriott
Attendees: J.McCabe, J. Marinelli, R. Smith, G. Hammond, R. Fashano, S. Uebbing, J. Backer, C. Sorenson,
T. Phillips, C. Manaseri, M. Lewis
1. Steering Committee Form and Function Survey Results – J. McCabe reviewed the results of the survey. It was decided that – The committee would continue to be comprised of 3 representatives from each district(plus BOCES representative). The committee will continue to be chaired by an EduTech representative. We will have 4 regular meetings during the year, with additional meetings scheduled as warranted. For the time being, we will continue to hold the meetings at the Rochester Thruway Marriott, as a central location. The committee’s focus will continue at a policy level, dealing with the vision and strategy of EduTech with information sharing as it regards R & D efforts. Day to day operations issues will be raised, if the item is systemic in nature. DocuShare will be used to discuss both issues and potential agenda items among Steering Committee members. Miscellaneous items discussed included – 1) the need for a standards document describing how new services are deployed from EduTech to the districts 2) the committee should be a model of Technology use, perhaps a remote Committee meeting at a future date.
2. EduTech Customer Survey Results - C. Sorenson reviewed the results of the EduTech Customer Survey conducted by ECC Technologies. To date 50 % of the districts responded with an additional 25% of the districts expected to participate. For the most part, the district customers are satisfied with and find value in the services provided by EduTech. However, approximately 1/3 of the districts indicated dissatisfaction with Tech Support Services. The survey indicated that installation time for an SAA should be shortened to 2 months with Servers and workstations being repaired in 1 – 2 days respectively. C. Sorenson indicated that the finalized data would be presented at the 12/9 Steering Committee meeting. Once all the data is received, EduTech management will review trends, and evaluate potential solutions.
3. Goal Setting – a number of potential Committee goals were discussed. Included were - The Committee should be a model of Technology use; that we should do as much as possible electronically The Committee should conduct a model remote meeting That written policies be developed To empower the Committee to bring in outside customers, if there is benefit to Cooperative districts Identify essential skills, body of knowledge, that potential members need to have Must continue to have an instructional focus. How are we measuring continuous improvement of EduTech? Develop a mission statement for the group
4. 99-00 Budget Process – C.Sorenson gave a brief update on the 99 – 00 EduTech budget process. The process has just begun, detailed information will be provided at the 12/9 meeting for both expenditures and district pricing. There will be a meeting 1/6/99 at Newark for W-FL districts and 1/7/99 in Batavia for GV districts to explain the billing scheme.
5.5. Year 2000 – C. Sorenson gave an update on EduTech’s Year 2000 efforts for all BOCES supported components. EduTech will bring all LAKENet, Application Software, file servers, workstations, and operating system software into compliance by summer 1999. Services noted will be included as part of existing support services fees. For items that cannot be brought to compliance, Project Coordinators will work with districts to discuss strategies. These items will need to be budgeted by the districts. DocuShare collection EduTech, Year2000 itemizes the Year 2000 effort. District owned equipment is not included in EduTech’s Year 2000 services.
6. Non-LAKENet District Access to LAKENet Tools – a discussion took place regarding PennYan’s request to participate in Web Based Assessment Training courses. PennYan is not a LAKENet member. It was decided that PennYan would be able to use the courses after paying the appropriate fair share for services. J. McCabe to determine the pricing.
7. Title III Technology Grant - / ACCELERATE Consortium – a discussion took place around the role of using resources for parochial and public schools. After the discussion the majority decided that the private sector can utilize LAKENet and grant funds as long as it does not degrade component district use of the system, now or in the future. In addition, it must provide benefit to the districts in some way.
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