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  Type Title Owner Modified Date Size  
Topic Word from the West
Hi gang! Guess somebody should delete my priveleges to this folder soon. I'm showing off to people here about how easy it is to use docushare. Hope all is well. - Chris
sfegley 04/04/00 0 properties
Topic New Backup Material is posted for Tuesday Feb 22
Check your collection for new backup memo. Note we will start with an exec at 7 for Bob Thompson's input to you from the focus groups. Happy snow day!
sfegley 02/18/00 0 properties
Topic Reminder
Tuesday night at 6:30 for the Joe and Bob show.
sfegley 02/01/00 0 properties
Topic New Backup material is posted - take a look.
Note that Dr. Marinelli will plan to meet with you at 6:30 to discuss Bob Thonpson and other search information/direction.
sfegley 01/21/00 0 properties
Topic (More) Water damage in Elementary
Monday morning saw a flood in Darlene Poormon's room, the result of a break in the hot-water heating system line. Apparently the custodian on weekend check drained the boiler to skim it and drained it too low. When he brought the boiler back up, a pressure surge occurred which knocked a guage off line in the boiler room. The resultant leakage of water made the system so low that no water circulated all night. That allowed a freeze to occur in the only room without an insulated fresh air opening (this at the teacher's request). When Terry fixed the gauge in the basement and turned the water back on, the flooding occurred in the other end of the building. Big mess - will require new carpet and drywall in Darlene's room and maybe more. Insurance company has been notified - we have a $1000 deductible for property damage such as this. All overtime and regular custodial pay devoted to fixing the mess will go against the claim. Not the way we wanted to end 1999.
sfegley 12/28/99 0 properties
Topic Wheatland - Chili
The Rochester paper this morning says that I was appointed last evening to the post of Superintendent at WC at their board meeting last night. I still haven't heard from Marc Reitz that we have a contract in place, though. Once I do, I will let you know and tender a resignation. My contract with you says 60 days, and I will honor that unless there is a mutual agreement to do otherwise. D&C says they expect me in early February and I don't know why. Talked with Kevin DeValk of the FLTimes this morning and God only knows what they will print. As soon as everything is wrapped up contractually, I'll contact Joe Marinelli about meeting with you about successor search, interims, etc.. Until then, Merry Christmas,everyone!
sfegley 12/23/99 0 properties
Topic New backup ( and paycheck) memo are posted
Check your collection and your email for an attachment of the latest paycheck missive which seems to have ignited some ire.
sfegley 12/10/99 0 properties
Topic Kidspeace Rumors
Mike called me on Thursday last week with news that Kidspeace reps were at a Varick Fire Department meeting talking about fire protection for the new facility on Wednesday night. Things got less formal and a question was raised about kid contact between Kidspeace kids and Romulus kids. The Kidspeace rep misspoke and gave Steve Carey among others the impression that their kids would be on our sports teams. That is NOT the case. I called Glen Cooke for his contact at Kidspeace, Bill Marushak, and then called him directly on Thursday. He took Friday to clarify the situation about what got said and by whom and called me back Monday. Kidspeace will be opening their own private school on the residential campus and the kids that go there will have the same rights as other private school kids who live in our district - essentially none. There will not be Kidspeace kids playing basketball on the Romulus team (though we might be able to use some). Bill Marushak tells me that they are probably looking at a summer 2000 start up now, with red tape etc. Before they actually start, we may want to arrange a visit to a BOE meeting so you hear firsthand how things are going. Any help you can provide in quelching the damage done by the firehall rep, who did mispeak, would be helpful.
sfegley 11/23/99 0 properties
Topic Bus Incident
There was another special ed bus incident this morning that I know some of you have heard about already. Young man - maybe 7- threw a temper tantrum among other things. Monitor was pushed and head butted, driver was kicked and hit, another student was hit in the head with a flying bag of crayons. Barb and Mike out of building. Sheriff's office was called and responded. Barb will deal with consequences for the child when she gets back based on handicapping condition and previous disciplinary record. My apologies for those of you who took Bev's calls. As the only administrator in the building, and with two employees already on the bus plus the deputy and parent on the way, I opted to stay in the building for the next crisis - fielder's choice, so to speak. Anyway, thought you should hear it from us. Call with ?s. See you tomorrow night.
sfegley 11/08/99 0 properties
Topic Thanks for posting!
Mike thanks for posting a beginning of a dialogue. For any others out there reading this, it's easy enough to join the conversation. Just click on add and select bulletin. Come on, you can do it!

Clarification on my original posting. The leaning of posting a position part-time that I mention is the extracurricular, $2,000 band director position, nothing more without your say-so.

sfegley 11/01/99 0 properties
Topic Music Issue
I'm licking my wounds today, but will eventually need to look at where we go next. My leaning is to advertise for a part-time, extracurriular marching band director and see what we get. My next intention would be to add this position in staffing requests for 2000-01 and see how long that lasts in the budget development process. The third leaning would be to wait until Memorial Day and point out the Board Members in the crowd when people come and ask me why there is no marching band... Did I read you right? Make Marching Band otional for kids now. Look for the part-time person as an extra duty assignement only? In either case when we don't get one adult and/or a significant group of kids willing to volunteer - we watch a program offering at the small school with BIG ideas die... I don't think that's what's best for kids. I thought that's what we were about. In punishing Pete for being mediocre or disinterested, is it okay to punish kids, too? This might be a good vehicle for away from the table discussion....Let's see if it is.
sfegley 10/27/99 0 properties
Topic New Backup Material is posted.
Please check your collection of backup memos for the latest.
sfegley 10/21/99 0 properties
Topic New Backup Material Posted
Material for tomorrow night's meeting is on the web! Sorry, forgot that step on Friday...
sfegley 09/13/99 0 properties
Topic New Backup Material Posted
Check here for the new format memo! Looks like a short meeting on Tuesday, although I would like to add a brief exec on handling ray Fox's salary in excess of the allowed limits established by TRS.
sfegley 08/20/99 0 properties
Topic New Backup Material
Sorry 'bout that. Forgot to post this on Thursday and was out all day Friday ( took Charlie to the BIlls training camp).
sfegley 08/09/99 0 properties
Topic Surprise, surprise!
Another avenue for you to share your thoughts with me and with one another is our friendly and much touted tool, DocuShare. The advantage to a conversation had here is that it is open to all of us. Any comments on the music situation? I really don't know where you want me to go next...Advice?
sfegley 07/29/99 0 properties
Topic New Back Up Material
OOPS! On Friday I completed your backup material for the meeting I'll miss, but forgot to post it to DocuShare. Sorry for the inconvenience! Hope you have a good meeting. I've tried to construct it so you would... Good luck.
sfegley 07/26/99 0 properties
Topic Update
Half way thru first presentation - only lost one so far.
sfegley 07/12/99 0 properties
Topic Rural Schools Conference
Made it to Cooperstown just fine yesterday. Cornelia is here as well with Phil and JC. At 7:30 this is a test of the equipment and set up in the conference room we've been assigned. Assuming we survive, will see you for reorg tomorrow night!
sfegley 07/12/99 0 properties
Topic New Backup material posted
With the start of a new school year, there is a new folder in which to look for your backup information. I kept the materail from last year available to you and for demonstration purposes. Look for your new stuff in the 1999-2000 backup collection.
sfegley 07/08/99 0 properties
Topic Foundation Committee Update
A group of 7 met with Ken Grounds last night for the second time in a month to start the ball rolling on establishing the Romulus Foundation for Educational Opportunities. Charm Dinsomore and Carol Waite joined Pete Gregoire, Bruce Fullem, Mike Karlsen, Jim Delia, Madeline Preston and me last evening. We signed paperwork to file for tax exempt status and started brainstorming names of potential trustees. Next meeting is July 19th to continue that process. So far, so good.
sfegley 07/08/99 0 properties
Topic Shared Services Invite
We have been invited to meet with folks from South Seneca to discuss other services we might wish to share beyond our current transportation and special ed programs. I had suggested to Doug Chappell that the committees we had organized to discuss merger before he was hired might be good groups. He has a four person group of Dave Dresser (Board member), Jim McKee ( Big M owner and community memeber), Union President Todd Kerzweil and himself. We would have Barb Quinn, Don Hagen, Jim Delia and two Board members, unless you want to add me to the mix (- originally the superintendents were intentionally left out of the picture to avoid any self-interest interfering with a potential merger and the loss of somebody's job). We could go with the group we had selected before or organize a new committee. Either way we should respond to the invitation. I'll put it on the 13th agenda - but you may wish to think/write about it before hand. This is a good open forum right here!
sfegley 07/06/99 0 properties
Topic Reorg Coming Up
A reminder that our meeting on the 13th is the annual reorganizational meeting. Leanne will begin the festivities as your clerk and the first itme of business will be election of officers. I assume we will continue to have amiable decisions as to the leadership of the group...
sfegley 07/06/99 0 properties
Topic Incentive nibbles
Have met with five people in the past day and a half since issuing a memo that you would be asked to offer the incentive. Three look positive. Major hang-up with the other two is that they are CSEA and that contract offers nothing toward insurance for retirees. Upshot with these two highly paid hourly personnel is that they would make less than half of the cost of their insurance in the incentive.

Bobbi Nelson poses an interesting idea... she is interested in retiring for sure, but might also be interested in our half-time art position for the maximum 15K she can earn in retirement. I have asked Barb and Mike to get together on what a schedule would look like if this were to happen. I would want to try to consolidate classroom space as well, and gain back the room we currently use for art for academics and/or remediation. We were already exploring ways to make 1.5 FTE in art work for us; this is just an interesting new twist which would give us a known quantity, good with kids, and at a much reduced cost. I'll keep you posted on what develops.

Marge is for sure - saving us easily $25,000.

sfegley 06/24/99 0 properties
Topic New Backup Material is Posted
Please check the backup memo folder for the latest version of what to expect Tuesday night...
sfegley 06/17/99 0 properties
Topic Late Breaking News on Incentive
Friday afternoon's email brought a message from NYSCOSS about pending action on a retirement incentive for this year. The word was that the Governor had proposed a bill and is therefore likely to sign it, and that the bill had seen technicval amendments aligning the Asembly and Senate versions, and that it would likely be passed THIS week in a flurry of activity before the legislature goes home without a budget. If we approve it here, we'll get Marge Larrabee for sure and 99.9% sure that Bobbi Nelson will jump. The art position is something we'll look at replacing at less than full-time if possible, and we have some ideas around that already ( move Jim Mason up to HS, replace elementary art at .5, and move Kate Essom from aide to assistant to handle remediation for math in elementary). Who else might go is up for grabs.... we have an aide and two bus drivers who are over 55 already and should look seriously at gaining several extra years of credited service at no penalty. We'll see what happens!
sfegley 06/07/99 0 properties
Topic New Back Up Material
The backup material, agenda and minutes from last time are now in you collection. Please note change of start time Tuesday night to accomodate Honor Society Induction and your attendance to same. See you Tuesday!
sfegley 06/04/99 0 properties
Topic New URL attached
Please note that I've added a link to your collection, giving you access to the AASA Rural Education Electronic Newsletter. This should give you some idea of issues which others in similar circumstance to Romulus are facing and how. Enjoy!
sfegley 06/03/99 0 properties
Topic New Backup Material Posted
Check out your collections for agenda, minutes and backup memo for 5/25/99
sfegley 05/20/99 0 properties
Topic Phelps Update II
I emailed all of you yesterday to let you know that Mike ford will be the new superintendent at Phelps Clifton Springs, and Chris Manaseri will continue to be the superintendent at Romulus.
sfegley 05/20/99 0 properties
Topic Phelps Update
Things apparently went well enough on Thursday in PCS that their Board is making some phone calls to check references. Would appreciate any kind words you could share if contacted. I will let you know what I know ASAP. Right now that's not much. See you Tuesday in the Auditorium! New material for meeting is posted, FYI.
sfegley 05/10/99 0 properties
Topic Shots heard
DON'T PANIC! When Roger took a class of kindergarten students outside today for gym, there were shots heard in the woods behind the soccer fields. He was confident they were not directed toward the school at all, and they were in fact distant. However, the kids reacted to them and Roger brought them back into the building because of that. Barb called to let me know right away, in case there's any rumor control that needs to be done. Everybody's sensitive to these things nowadays, and that's not all bad. FYI only.
sfegley 05/04/99 0 properties
Topic Shots heard
DON'T PANIC! When Roager took a class of knidergarten students outside today for gym, there were shots heard in the woods behind the soccer fields. He was confident they were not directed toward the school at all, and they were in fact distant. However, the kids reacted to them and Roger brought them back into the building because of that. Barb called to let me know right away, in case there's any rumor control that needs to be done. Everybody's sensitive to these things nowadays, and that's not all bad. FYI only.
sfegley 05/04/99 0 properties
Topic New Board Packets out Today
The material for WEDNESDAY's Board meeting is in the mail. Want to see it first? Check your Backup packet collection!
sfegley 04/22/99 0 properties
Topic Cooleys
If you get inundated with phone calls, it's my fault. Josh Cooley failed Economics this Fall. He also has failed in his attempt to make up the work for the course ( given ten weeks to do so) and has now been told he will not graduate. His parents are not happy. First with him, then with you. Your Board Policy is that kids who do not earn the diploma do not get the diploma, i.e.- do not participate in the commencement ceremony. They asked me what they could do. I invited them to come to our next Board Meeting as public to be heard and to plead their case for a change of policy. I told them I personally support the current policy, but that my job is to enforce the rules not to make them or change them. They asked if they might call you all ahead of time. I gave them your phone numbers. I also told them to remember that individaul board members can do nothing about policy, only the Board acting as a body can make changes. I also told them that we have a Policy Committee and that we have a thirty day wait period for any new or changed policy to go into effect. They would like to try to convince you of the wisdom of changing your rule to be more inclusive of those kids who fail requirements in their senior year. I'll give you copies of the policy in your backup packet for next time, but thought I should forewarn you. Thanks.
sfegley 04/16/99 0 properties
Topic Tags and All!
Despite my subconscious efforts to submarine my own candidacy, I received word this morning that I have been called back for a second interview on May 6. More later.
sfegley 04/15/99 0 properties
Topic New Board Packet Material is Posted
A little late, but better than never. I forgot to post the agenda, minutes and back-up memo when I did them last Thursday. You've probably all got them by now, but here they are in cyberspace, too.
sfegley 04/12/99 0 properties
Topic Board Petitions Due Monday
Those of you who have petitions for re-election need to get those in to me by Monday at 5 PM. Waiting for Tuesday's meeting is too late.... Just a friendly reminder. Thanks.
sfegley 04/07/99 0 properties
Topic Alarm!
I got a nasty note from Albany in today's mail saying that they overpaid us in 1994-95 and they now want to take $188,000 away from us in this year's aid package. I have called twice so far, but nobody seems to want to call me back. Will try to know more on Tuesday.

Talk about a bummer of a way to end the day!

sfegley 03/18/99 0 properties
Topic New Board Material Posted
The material for Tuesday the 23rd of March is posted for you. It went out in this afternoon's mail, as well. See youy all Tuesday night!
sfegley 03/18/99 0 properties
Topic Kudos to the Board Pres!
Atta boy, Mike! See everybody, it IS easy to join in on the conversation. Thanks for the good word, Mike.

Thanks also to everyone for making the Board meeting easy to follow last night. I'll get on the minutes today! No new word yet from Theresa after her scheduled call to Leann last night. I'll keep you posted.

See many of you Saturday morning. I'll bring muffins or something to go with our coffee.

sfegley 03/10/99 0 properties
Topic Update
We have another heating system leak - this time in Mike Pane's Room. Class has been moved to Media Center Lecture Room for the day and we are proceeding wiht repairs. Everyone else seems to be okay. May not have been a freeze -up, may be just a system failure in that univent. All the more reason to continue with budget appropriations for univent replacement.

Also FYI - here's an email I just sent to staff on Leanne.Leanne is still in Potsdam Hospital. I spoke with her last evening. She had an MRI done on Saturday and will likely know those results today. She is starting to be able to keep her eyes open longer, although still not sitting up. Getting off liquid diet today if all goes well. Diagnosis currently is a viral inner ear infection. I would anticipate that she will be there a while longer yet, and not back to work anytime soon. I also spoke with her sister, who told me how pleasantly surprised they both were with the FAXes which were forwarded.

See ya'll tomorrow night.

sfegley 03/08/99 0 properties
Topic Update
We had another pipe freeze last night in a univent in Mike Pane's room. Damage is limited, no carpeting involved. We should be fine after moving his class to the lecture room. FYI.

Also FYI on Leanne. See attached which was forwarded to all staff internally moments ago.

Leanne is still in Potsdam Hospital. I spoke with her last evening. She had an MRI done on Saturday and will likely know those results today. She is starting to be able to keep her eyes open longer, although still not sitting up. Getting off liquid diet today if all goes well. Diagnosis currently is a viral inner ear infection. I would anticipate that she will be there a while longer yet, and not back to work anytime soon. I also spoke with her sister, who told me how pleasantly surprised they both were with the FAXes which were forwarded. FYI.

See ya'll tomorrow night.

sfegley 03/08/99 0 properties
Topic Some Sites for you
I've added some URLs to the bottom of your BOE Collection which you might find interesting. School Boards, State Ed, and Education Week all may have items of interest for you. You might want to bookmark them on your own webbrowser, or you can always find them here. Happy surfing!
sfegley 03/05/99 0 properties
Topic Snow Day Update
Despite the white stuff outside, the Board packet is done and we will mail tomorrow. I'm not sure Gloria will be able to get the warrant in the packet, tomorrow morning will tell.

Leanne is still in Potsdam. I spoke to her yesterday and she is scheduled for an MRI and CAT scan on Saturday. Doesn't sound like she'll be at our meeting Tuesday night.

New Board packet material is posted - check it out. See you all Tuesday!

sfegley 03/04/99 0 properties
Topic Admin Asst Update
Just to let you all know... Leanne Keel is in hospital in Potsdam. She went to visit Kevin for the weekend and became dizzy and nauseated badly. He called me Sunday night to say she would not be at work. He then called the ambulance and had her taken to the ER. She was admitted Sunday night to Canton- Potsdam Hospital 15 Leroy Street, Potsdam - ph 315-265-3300 room 105. I've sent flowers from me and you.

Expect your Board Packet to be light this time, as I doubt Leanne will be back to work this week. I'll get something out to you on Thursday though, so we can have a regular meeting.

sfegley 03/02/99 0 properties
Topic New Backup Material Posted
I'm off to the Big Easy at 6 a.m. tomorrow so the Board packet is prepared a tad earlier than usual this week. Check it out for Tuesday night.
sfegley 02/17/99 0 properties
Topic Good News on Capital Project
Bernie Donegan's office bid our borrowiing yesterday and we received a low bid of 3.11% from Fleet Bank. That means that as of February 25, 1999 we will borrow 1.2 Million at that low 3.11% rate of interest. We will then immediately invest that money at a rate of 4% or more ( we will bid the CDs) and start earning money on our borrowing while we wait for SED to approve our plans. As long as we sign contracts by next February, we'll be fine, and the longer we sit on the money the more interest arbitrage we make. ( Arbitrage is legal for schools and municipalities). Valerie at Donegan's office said it was the lowest borrowing rate she'd ever seen! Congrats, you guys, we're off to the right kind of start...
sfegley 02/12/99 0 properties
Topic New Backup material is posted for 2/9/99 meeting.
sfegley 02/04/99 0 properties
Topic Update on CBO
Randy Bos, Jerry Macaluso, Mike Renee, Larry Driscoll and I met yesterday in Waterloo to discuss an alternative plan that Seneca Falls might buy. It would put a busines office manager in charge of the CBO at the county office building at a lower cost than putting Gary Alger in charge. We would still split John Baker with Waterloo in order to try to up our BOCES aid on more of the project. Renee would stay in SF full time. Kate Cooper might be interested in the promotion to office manger ( currently at Waterloo). Looks like we would save/generate more than $40,000 in BOCES aid. Seneca Falls will address with their BOE on Feb 1, and we may have a three way workable solution by Tuesday 2/2. I'll keep you posted....
sfegley 01/28/99 0 properties
Topic Backup material for 2nd January Meeting
It's posted. Please check your folders.
sfegley 01/21/99 0 properties
Topic New Board Backup Materials Posted
Backup and other material for our Tuesday night meeting are now posted here.
sfegley 01/07/99 0 properties
Topic Prison Meeting Update
Below is a copy of the text of the paycheck memo which I did this morning. Tom was at the meeting, too, and we can fill you in with more detail next week. Thought you'd like to know what we learned last night ASAP. Date: 1/7/99 To: All RCS Staff From: Chris Manaseri Subject: New Year Payday update At the first paycheck of the New Year in 1998, I highlighted three potential impacts on our school community that might transpire in what is now last year - a youth home at the north end of the depot, the sale of lakefront land belonging to the Army and a potential prison. Now, as you’ll read, might be a good time to update all of us on what we know about those prospects for 1999, as two of the three are all but done deals for the new year.... On Monday night of this week I was invited to attend an initial meeting of a Community Planning Task Force for “ the proposed 750-cell maximum security correctional facility to be located at the Seneca Army Depot in Romulus”. My invitation from the Commissioner of the Department of Correctional Services was dated December 15th and received on the 21st. I told the Board I would be attend as their representative when they met on the 22nd. I then showed up at Camp Edgemere on the grounds of the Willard Drug Treatment Center, not knowing what to really expect. I get invited to a lot of meetings, and I figured this one would be an interesting group: what I didn’t reckon was how interesting this particular meeting was going to be. I’m a pretty literate person. I read the papers and try to know what’s going on. I subscribe to weekly news magazines. I even have email and internet access. I sometimes read whole books that aren’t even assigned for my graduate classes. But somehow I missed this one. Now I knew there was talk of a prison coming to our area from the debates and forums held here in our school two years ago when the consideration was around former Sampson Developmental Center lands south of the park. And I had read a few things about a potential for including a prison proposal in the reuse plan for the depot after community sentiment seemed to favor that land over lakefront. I had even read about a public presentation of an environmental impact statement about a potential prison on depot land to be held this Friday night the 8th (yes a Friday night! Isn’t that inviting?) What I was not prepared for was what I learned this past Monday night. And that is... Advertising for bids for the construction of this 750-cell, 1500 inmate “new generation” maximum security prison will be sent out Wednesday the 6th ( yesterday if you get this check like most of us do on Thursday). Bids will be opened February 4th and awarded in March. After an 18-month construction period, the yet-to be -named facility will open in August of 2000 - read NEXT summer - employing some 638 people full-time and another anticipated 109 part-time. The facility will be sheltered from vision from the main road, and located in the extreme south east corner of the current depot property. An access road 1.5 miles long will be built south of the Coast Guard LORAN tower on route 96, about half way between Romulus and Ovid, near West Blaine Road. The Department of Corrections will take over 675 acres of the nearly 11,000 acre depot property and use 124 acres for the facility itself, surrounding it with scrub and wetlands. The entire property will be surrounded with a 4-foot property line fence, and the facility itself will be double fenced with an 8’ interior fence separated from a 16’ exterior fence by 30’ of no man’s land lighted and cameraed. The site was selected from five potential pieces of depot land because of its location and levelness. The “new generation” prison will be similar to the current construction occurring in Malone and will feature two inmates per cell with a toilet and shower and rec area attached, rather than communal showers and rec areas characterizing most older prisons ( and our school). The 1500 inmate capacity is about average in size for maximum security facilities in New York. New York operates some 70 prisons of various sizes and inmate capacity design. There will not be a death row or execution chamber in the new facility ( I asked). Now isn’t THAT news! This is fact, not rumor - watch! On the other side (literally- excuse the pun) we have a new development on the North end property - what used to be the troop area. At a recent meeting on BOCES special ed space planning, I was asked what I knew about the once proposed Chapter 81 school on the north end of the depot. ( Private school for juvenile delinquents and other adjudicated children). The old YSI proposal which was hot news last January evaporated when unions caught wind of a for-profit edging in on their turf in New York State. However, a non-profit outfit called Kidspeace ( Karyn Sabara used to work for them, and they’re on the web a out of Pennsylvania is very much alive in the planning stages. All of this is supposed to be quiet waiting for final blessing and an announcement by Senator Nozzolio’s office, but I placed a call to State Ed about this when BOCES asked the question. The word I got there is that there is a great deal of political pressure being applied and that Roland Smiley, the State Ed worker whose job it is to approve all such facilities, had been told that his approval was expected by the end of January. He informs me that the plan is that there will be 325 youth served at a Kidspeace facility beginning as early as THIS summer. Now this is a little more speculative than page one - I haven’t been asked to serve on any committee yet on this one. But the fact that the State Ed guy told me I should write to him asking to be apprised of the decisions coming forward in the next few weeks leads me to believe that this is about to becoming breaking news as well. Staffing at such a facility usually runs in the 3 to 1 ratio, so that too could mean up to a thousand jobs if their intended capacity is fully met anytime soon. These jobs, unlike the prison ones, would likely be non-union and non- civil service. And while many of them may go to people who already live in other communities nearby, the spill-over effects on the local economy are expected to be excellent. On the third front - the sale of lakehousing land to a private developer - the news is not so complete. There is a potential buyer and a contract being worked out that would put the Ryan-style homes on FLAC drive on the tax rolls immediately, and allow further development of the lakefront land itself. Some talk is of marina and condominiums for summer rental on Seneca Lake! That’s all very speculative, however, ( sorry) and much further off than 1999 proper. Bottom line? As the next year unfolds, the dark cloud of depot downsizing may begin to dissipate and jobs may be returning to out community. With jobs come people buying goods, traveling through our town and neighboring ones, and even some people looking to relocate to rural America and its peaceful cadences, quiet spells and gorgeous lake views. Some of those people may even have kids that are looking for a really good little school to go to. Expect to see construction workers starting this spring at local watering holes and sandwich shops, and expect to see a market for jobs of all sorts in Seneca County within the next few years. The last year of the last decade of the 20th century could be good for us..... Let’s hope so. I will try to keep you posted on what I can tell you as fact - like the prison construction about to begin- and what is rumor -like the rest of this memo at this point. Thought you’d want to know. ********************************************************************************************************* Also enclosed in this check is a handy booklet on calculating your optimum tax withholding. We will issue W-2’s as soon as we have the software updates to do so, hopefully in time for your next paycheck. If you find any changes you wish to make in your withholding for 1999, please let Bonnie know. Another employee-friendly gesture from your humanistic despot in the central office. CM/CM
sfegley 01/05/99 0 properties
Topic Tom Reilly Check this out
Tom- with your new position, I think we need to update our BOE folder for address and work phone and email. Please get to us so we may do. Thanks.
sfegley 12/22/98 0 properties
Topic New Collection
Check out the Guidance and Alumni collections. They're new and interesting!
sfegley 12/22/98 0 properties
Topic CPTF for Prison
Yesterday's mail brought an invitation for me to serve on a Community Planning Task Force ( CPTF) for the proposed 750 bed maximum security prison to be located at the Depot. First meeting is Monday January 4, 1999 at 7 pm. I'll plan to be part of this so that we have the most up-to-date information on this development. FLTimes article seems to indicate it would be completed in 2000. Not that far away!
sfegley 12/22/98 0 properties
Topic OSHA Finalized
Mr. Sharp just left the building after our final conference for the OSHA inspection. It appears that we will get 6-8 citations which we will need to address. One is housekeeping in the home ec room of all places! Several deal with head bumpers in the basement, and the most costly will be the white storage building near the bus garage where we store our mowers, etc.. We've been looking at a good reason to spend some money on replacing that structure and OSHA may have just provided that reason. Basically, the second floor is unsafe entirely, and there's no means of egress except a garage door. It appears that we would be eligible for 75% reimbursement for moneys spent to remediate a capital citation. I think we should price out repairs to bring us into compliance, and then compare those costs to replacing the structure ourselves with a pole barn or Morton building. We probably would need SED approval, but we could get 75% of the costs covered under the OSHA funding- whereas SED will not provide building aid for it at all becasue it's non-instructional space. What do you think? I won't have official citations to react to until January, but I thought you might want to start cogitating! More to come on this...
sfegley 12/14/98 0 properties
Topic Backup Packet for 12/08/98
Your backup material for Tuesday's meeting is in the folder below. Looks like a short but interesting session.
sfegley 12/03/98 0 properties
Topic Charter Schools Meeting
Cornelia and I attented last night's meeting with about 60 other people from across the region. Steve Eubbing did a wonderful powerpoint presentation and I've brought copies of it back for all of you. Cornelia agreed to give you a report on what we learned, and I will draft a letter to our state legislators which you might wish to sign as a Board. Lori Thillman was there and expected a story to run in tonight's FLTimes. This is one more time I wish we were more active with NYSSBA - they sent their members a packet with press relase info, etc., that we won't get because we don't belong. When our budget does get back on track, it is sonething the Board should consider.
sfegley 11/24/98 0 properties
Topic Canandaigua Meeting
Cornelia has emailed me to say she wishes to go, and I'm planning on picking her up at 6:00 at her house. Any others?
sfegley 11/23/98 0 properties
Topic Mrs. McNally
I just finished an hour long meeting with the parent I told you we might expect Tuesday night. She plans to come to the Board meeting to complain to you about a disciplinary decision which I made when her son and another boy were involved in a small fight in the locker room after gym class on Monday. She would like you to countermand my decision to discipline both boys equally, and she would like the school to suspend the other boy some more ( after the fact). She does know that such a discussion is something you will want to deal with in executive session as it relates to school and student personnel. My read is that you should listen (plan on doing a LOT of that), and then respond only by indicating that you will take the matter up further with me and/or Mike and get back to her. Your call, but the Board should not be in the student discipline business unless there's been a major incident involving an extended suspension or expulsion that is appealed to your level prior to going to the Commissioner. This hardly qualifies.
sfegley 11/20/98 0 properties
Topic Special 4 County Meeting
There will be a special emergency meeting of the 4-County School Boards Association and Superintendents on Monday night at 7 pm in Canandaigua in the Middle School Auditorium on Granger Street ( near the VA but not at the Academy). See posting in your backup packet about this ( also at this site). It has to do with pending Charter School Legislation that comes with a very high cost to local taxpayers. Mark Twain once said that a man and his pocketbook are never safe when the legislature is in session! Right once again!
sfegley 11/19/98 0 properties
Results, as you all know by now, were 241 in favor and 43 opposed. A 6 to 1 margin of approval speaks very well for the community's support of your vision of RCS in the near future. Congratulaions to you all!
sfegley 11/17/98 0 properties
Topic New Backup packet is posted.
See if you can also download the powerpoint slideshow... Probably would work best to click save file when netscape asks you to expand it's abilities, and then save it to your hard drive. A copy of the slides with notes is coming in the mail to you. Thought this would dress up our meeting, focus the discussion away from Harold and his questions, and (with some slight modification) might be able to be re-used in a running clip on a computer near the polling on the 16th. See what you think...
sfegley 11/06/98 0 properties
Topic New Computers?
I have a crew from EduTech here to price a major computer upgrade for the kids' labs. We have money coming from Tom Cummings and we are underspent in BOCES special ed ( for a change). I will put this on the Tuesday night agenda as an information item, but wanted you to know. Plan would replace all machines in both current labs, change from token-ring to ethernet technology, switch everything to Windows 95, and avoid a year 2000 problem with I-Class. We would reuse the machines in the current labs in the Mac Lab ( becoming a word-processing equipped English class for Nancy Bauder) and in the Library - essentially creating four labs where teachers and kids can get work done. We would also reuse several of the more up-to-date Macs in the Tech lab for mechanical drawing. This preserves our investment in upgrading the machines we've done so far, and positions us well for the streaming audio and video coming with cybercoursework soon. All part of keeping you on the cutting edge....
sfegley 11/03/98 0 properties
Topic News article
Lori Thillman is looking for BOE goals. I went to your goal setting for me and came up with: Distance learning; CBO; maintaining technological advances; and monitoring and moderating recent tax increases. In case you read about this- it was here first. Also might inform your comments to her should she call you ( Mike). Thanks.
sfegley 11/03/98 0 properties
Topic RSP Board
Just to update you that I spent Sunday and Monday at Thornfield Conference Center on Cazenovia Lake with Mike Joseph, Harvey Kaufman, and the folks from Rural Schools. We watched the last 7 minutes of the Buffalo/Miami game on Charlie's 2-inch portable during a break in the action. Eight people on the lawn in the cold watching a 2-inch screen! It must have been a sight! Formed our legislative paper to be delivered in Albany at Lobbying time, among other things. Good group to keep in the know with.
sfegley 11/02/98 0 properties
Topic Hot off the Press
Leanne has your mintutes posted from Last Night's Meeting already! Something to do with having a Xerox camera in your face all day, I suppose.
sfegley 10/28/98 0 properties
Topic CBO Study Continues
Bonnie and Gloria spent half a day today with Laryy Driscoll and the other business office personnel from Seneca Falls and Waterloo. No word yet on how it went. I was too busy with Xerox folks to attend. I will kepp you posted on the developments. I also spoke with Gary Alger yesterday about his potential interest in working with us on this project with or without SS.
sfegley 10/28/98 0 properties
Topic CBO Study Continues
Bonnie and Gloria spent half a day today with Laryy Driscoll and the other business office personnel from Seneca Falls and Waterloo. No word yet on how it went. I was too busy with Xerox folks to attend.
sfegley 10/28/98 0 properties
Topic Xerox Folks Here!
With a thousand thanks to Mike, your fearless leader, I am pleased to let the rest of you know that RCS will be featured in a promotional video for Xerox on Docushare and its educational applications. We were at Mike's until almost 10 this morning and have been shooting classroom and "background" footage here in Romo since. It seeems to be going well! We will get a copy of the tape when it's done and I'll plan on sharing it with you at a future meeting. On the edge again!
sfegley 10/28/98 0 properties
Topic Student Discipline Issue
This morning's WSFW news had a story about a kid with a knife at South Seneca yesterday. Just FYI we have a senior out on 5 day suspension currently with a hearing scheduled for Monday morning for having a knife ( or part of one) on the BOCES bus. We did not involve the police, not need to. Details are unimportant at this time - but wouldn't want any of you talking as if we don't either have or deal with these issues to the public over the next day or two and be unaware. I just don't think the headlines or newsstories are necessary on individual student discipline. FYI only.
sfegley 10/22/98 0 properties
Topic OSHA is here!
Got a surprise visit from Ray Sharp with OSHA this morning and we have a surprise pre-inspection meeting of supervisors and union leaders today at 1 pm. THIS ought to be fun! Norm is our in-house governmental intervention hater, maybe he should meet with Mr. Sharp on behalf of the BOE...FYI- Expect a once per week visit for the next four to six weeks, then a list of citations and remdeiation costs, and a final sign -off on their part once they confirm that we fix what they find wrong. Could get expensive... we'll see.
sfegley 10/21/98 0 properties
Topic Clerk Update
Leanne is back. She started in yesterday and is doing remarkably well. FYI.
sfegley 10/20/98 0 properties
Topic Capital Project Presentation
On November 10, Roy McMaster and Ed McGraw will be joining us for the public presentation of our capital project proposal. Rather than me ( the outsider) talking about key points in the project, how about YOU? My suggestions: three parts to the project; GYM - Mike Karlsen and Tom Riley; Auditorium - Anne Morgan and Cornelia Johnson; Distance Learning Lab - Rhonda Dickenson, Laurie Asermily, and Norm Hollenbeck. Brief discussion by you of why we're doing what and approximate costs... What do you think? Want to change assignments? Up for it? I'll put this on Tuesday's agenda.
sfegley 10/20/98 0 properties
Topic Docushare Commercial
Amy Perry reached me last week with a request for some time to be spent with the folks from Xerox who want to interview some people using Docushare for a promo non-TV commercial (apparently to be used in sales material but not aired during the Superbowl). Pretty neat, eh? Anybody want to volunteer to be part of the BOE folder discussion? Also - Xerox is looking for some educational clients to work with on a quality-circle type approach as they look to develop a whole new division for the educational market of this product. Jack McCabe has asked if I'd be willing to help. FYI - we're on the cyber-map!
sfegley 10/20/98 0 properties
Topic Tax Collection Update
As of the end of last week the percentage of taxes paid by town withing the District stands at: Fayette-74.6%; Romulus - 75.4%; and Varick at 74.1%. Overall 74.4% of all taxes due this Fall have been paid by October 5.
sfegley 10/09/98 0 properties
Topic New Clerk Update
I stopped to see Leanne on Saturday and she's doing well. Her sister is taking care of things at the house, and mistook me for one more delivery boy from the florist when I arrived with a pumpkin full of cut flowers from us. FYI.
sfegley 10/05/98 0 properties
Topic SED Approval recieved
We got word on Friday that the SEQRA clearance required by the State before our vote can be considered legal has been approved! Now all we need to do is get people in Romulus to say yes!
sfegley 10/05/98 0 properties
Topic Clerk Update
Leanne had gall bladder surgery yesterday and is coming home from Geneva General today. I haven't spoken with her yet, but assume the early dismissal is a good sign. Her sister will be staying with her at her home on 336 for a week or so. Thought you might like to know.
sfegley 10/01/98 0 properties
Topic Getting Help After Hours
Thanks goodness for electronic media! Questions about using DocuShare can also be sent via e-mail to: Please include:
  • Name and version of the browser you use (to find out version, go to the Help menu in the browser and select About...)
  • Do you use AOL or LAKENET?
  • What are you trying to do?
  • What is the message you are getting?
Response (and instructions) will be sent the next working day via e-mail.
csnelson 10/01/98 0 properties
Topic Good News
Today I was able to speak with the regional associate for Special ed in Batavia and she approved our addition over the phone without a visit. The past two days I have spent much of my time FAXing and collecting signatures in person in order to overnight mail her the material she needed. She got back into her office this morning after two days out, and found everything she needed from us, then was gracious enough to understand our concern for timing. We did something right anyway! Now it's back to Albany and our friend Dr. Mirsky for the next step in the approval process. October 1 thru November 15 should give him plenty of time still. ( I hope). Mike Karlsen has agreed to sit in for me next Wednesday night with the PTA for a quick presentation on the project, and I am planning to go to the parent support group run by Donna Karlsen on the 5th. Anybody else's meeting we should hit? Also - the ST3 was sent to Albany on Friday and the audit report today ( in time for their October 1 deadline).
sfegley 09/30/98 0 properties
Topic New Problem
I got our first feedback from SED about the project description filed last week. It seems that because we chose to use a special ed title for our classroom addition, we now also have to jump trhough THEIR hoops. I have to have a meeting with the region rep for special ed and VESID to gain her approval of what we wish to do. This could become a problem... I'll keep you posted.
sfegley 09/28/98 0 properties
Topic New Backup Material Enclosed
Make sure to check your backup collection. Material for 9/22 has been posted.
sfegley 09/17/98 0 properties
Topic Capital Project Numbers worth reviewing
I have been able to play some this afternoon and have looked at ways to apply some additional dollars to our local share available. This for those of you who might think the only way to sell the project is at no tax impact. Take a look in the Capital Project Folder and see what you find. None of this even considers the Tom Cummings money we should get this year. Without that firmly in hand, I would hate to make promises with it. I will send all of this with the backup material for next meeting and we can discuss. A staged approach to making this look affordable at no cost could play our well for us if we keep leaking good news.
sfegley 09/11/98 0 properties
Topic Project #0014 assigned!
We have a project number from SED! Step one in the process has begun. Ashley-McGraw will have papers here Monday for Mike to sign and we will overnight those to Albany ASAP to get going on the SEQRA clearance necessary to make our vote a legal one.
sfegley 09/11/98 0 properties
Topic New Folder in Collection on Capital Project
There is a new folder in your collection which I will use to keep you ahead of whatever curves I can on this. Check it out periodically to stay up to speed.
sfegley 09/11/98 0 properties
Topic Info on Standards, Assessments, Etc.
EduTech has added an excellent compilation of important material about the NYState Standards and Assessments including information specifically geared to Board Members. To access it, click on the URL at the bottom of our RCS screen in Docushare for EduTech Homepage, and then on the Standards box at the bottom of that page. Happy Hunting!
sfegley 09/11/98 0 properties
Topic Impact Aid Update
My voicemail this morning had some good news on it. The folks in DC called to say we can expect a 1994 payment on section 2 ( land based) aid in the amount of $33,792.00! See we told you you can never tell when you're going to get that Federal Money or how much of what you're due to expect. Normally we would just chalk this up to unanticipated revenue and throw it at next year's fund balance roll-over. Given the capital project vote we hope to soon have, maybe we should consider a budget amendment and apply this to the local share and try to wipe out the tax impact. Your thoughts? We can discuss this next time, or you can email me or even post a response here. Let's see...
sfegley 09/10/98 0 properties
Topic Stray Bullets - Watch Out!
Sandy Steele informed me that a stray bullet narrowly missed a 9th grader waiting for her bus this morning. She contacted the Sherrif's Department and the student was interviewed regarding what happened. The incident occured on Vineyard Road and 124 on the first run toady. No one was hurt, but it's sure not the way any of us would want to start our day! The Charter girl ( next stop) reported that she heard three shots. The presumption is that this was somehow a hunting related thing ( what season IS it?)- not an attempt to harm the children or the bus. This in case you hear about it on scanners or in the community.
sfegley 09/10/98 0 properties
Topic Meet the New Staff
We will meet for a social 1/2 hour with the new teachers at 7:00 pm on Tuesday September 8, just prior to our regular meeting. Desert and light refreshments will be served. Staff include: Kindergarten - Colleen Cook; 2nd- Gina Lynch; 3rd, Christopher Abbott and Amanda Pundt; special ed - Carlene shultz; HS Science- Christime Conley, Middle school science- Marty Rotz; Part time Math - Suellen Yeomans; and elementary computet lab- Karyn Sabara.
sfegley 09/04/98 0 properties