1. EduTech Steering Committee
    1. Joe Backer, Letchworth     Joe Marinelli, W-FL BOCES
    2. Richard Boyes, Marion     Jack McCabe, W-FL BOCES
    3. Gary Hammond, GV BOCES    Robert Smith, Elba
    4. Michael Glover, GV BOCES
    5. Tracy Lindsay, EduTech

EduTech Steering Committee
October 28, 2003
The Lodge at Woodcliff
Members Present:

Joe Backer, Letchworth     Joe Marinelli, W-FL BOCES

Joe Backer, Letchworth        Joe Marinelli, W-FL BOCES

Richard Boyes, Marion     Jack McCabe, W-FL BOCES

Richard Boyes, Marion        Jack McCabe, W-FL BOCES

Gary Hammond, GV BOCES    Robert Smith, Elba

Gary Hammond, GV BOCES      Robert Smith, Elba
Robert Leiby, Manchester-Shortsville    Camille Sorenson, EduTech
Tom Manko, York          Daniel Starr, North Rose-Wolcott
Members Absent:

Michael Glover, GV BOCES

Michael Glover, GV BOCES

Tracy Lindsay, EduTech

Tracy Lindsay, EduTech
Jeff Decker, EduTech
·   Update on Statewide Initiatives
Camille began the meeting by updating the committee on statewide initiatives that are being driven by the SED and the Regional Information Centers(RICs).

/ Jointly the RIC’s are approaching telecommunication vendors (Time Warner, Verizon)
asking what they can do to help try and resolve the inequity across the state with

bandwidth connectivity. Lobbying at the state level that this should be a SED initiative.

/   Tracy Lindsay, EduTech, spoke on the data warehouse project. Ability to take student system data and put in one common place to give us the ability to better manage information for both program and student. SED will then have the ability to get the information from districts in a much faster way. The state is looking for a way to make it easier for districts. Will be able to take the data, roll it up to the RIC, and then to the state without time consuming reporting at the district level.

This will also allow for all the students in New York State to be assigned a unique identifying number. Then if student moves the data will move with them. The state started developing this plan in August with 2.9 million students being licensed across the state and has made the decision to fund the licensing of software for all 2.9 million students in the state. EduTech’s involvement is that the state is relying on the RICs to collect the data and send off to the state. Currently WNYRIC is hosting our data at a huge cost saving. We currently have five years of data loaded at WNY. Cognos is a tool that allows you to do data analysis.

Data Mentor provides instructional data—a snapshot of instructional information. It will allow you to breakdown comparisons to the classroom level. There is a state initiative behind Data Mentor with approximately 300 schools currently using Data Mentor. In the future schools will need to be a part of this process to send their reports to the state.

Bob Leiby expressed the need to be able to provide data quicker for districts to be able to compare.

Need to have the data at the level where instructional staff can use it. Districts will need to have someone who is knowledgeable in what the data should be when looking at it.
Bob Smith requested an updated EduTech glossary on the different terms used.

Action Item: EduTech will determine Data Warehouse pricing by January. To be determined if pricing is base and/or RWADA based. If districts need a planning number, $5,000 would be a good estimate.


·   Update on Survey Action Plan

Camille reported that EduTech has been working to improve communication between superintendents, business managers, and technology coordinators.

We have been meeting with individual superintendents providing them with an EduTech Portfolio of Services. This shares the big picture of what EduTech provides your district. A subcommittee meets each Thursday to debrief on previous week’s visits and plan for upcoming week’s visits.

Bob Smith found his visit very beneficial and suggested that Jeff Decker and Bob Phillips continue to do these visits yearly at this time in the year. Jeff Decker is also visiting with business managers.

Need to share with districts how to escalate a problem. Point of contact.

Give districts complete picture of LAKENet availability.

·   2004-05 Budget Process

Preliminary look at the budget shows a 4% expenditure increase. This is due to salary, ERS, TRS, Medical and Workman’s Compensation. For the last three years expenditures have been flat. We are down 20-25 FTE’s.

We will review budget/ district pricing at the 11/14 meeting. While the budget will be up approximately 4%, revenue stream is a different review process and will more than likely be different.
·   Computer Virus Prevention/Detection/Response

During the 30-day period that we were attacked by the virus there were 18 million attacks worldwide. EduTech and district resources cost the consortium between $80,000 and $100,000. It took 30 days to totally eradicate the virus and it was very much a team effort between districts and EduTech.

Met with a group of 11 district representatives to brainstorm

/ How do we prevent from a future virus attack?
/ What is the cost of doing nothing and what is the cost of doing what we need to protect our network?

EduTech is looking for open, on-going dialog with the Steering Committee.

The virus did not do any damage to software or equipment. The next one could. What can we do to prevent, be aware, and respond. How do you protect the whole structure? We believe centralized policies are key. If you are in LAKENet, here is the standard to attach your network.?

EduTech is working with four districts as a pilot program for automated Microsoft updates. We need to continue to develop and expand using a centralized plan. Due to the virus, behind on heat tickets and installations. Everything is backlogged approximately one month.

Action Item: Discussion and consensus that a centralized approach is key to virus protection/prevention. Camille will develop a Virus Position paper and distribute to the committee by November 12.
Will proceed with a centralized approach and report back to the committee.

·   E-Rate Program

Action Item: Need to send a letter to superintendents with the message not to depend on e-rate money. SLD is constantly changing guidelines and regulations. District Technology Plans are due again for review by March 1.

·   Equipment Insurance

EduTech has an install base of 20,000 computers, 250 servers, telecommunication boxes, etc. EduTech insures any piece of technology bought through EduTech. Insurance premiums are on the rise. Camille will have Keith Henry, WFL Asst. Supt. for Business, speak with Mike Crowley, GV Business Administrator. Utica Insurance insures several of our school districts. Could be a possible point of negotiations.

·   Next meeting
November 14 at Rochester Inn and Conference Center
Bob Smith, Elba, unable to attend


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