As soon as your child begins school, you automatically become part of a coaching team for your child. The team is made up of teachers, students and parents. What is the definition of coach? One who instructs, directs and prompts students in carrying out/performing specific strategies related to student success. Your job as a coach is crucial to your child's success.

Feature of the Month: Sports and Competition with your Children


During my teaching career, I coached several sports at the varsity and modified levels. Coaching provided me with the opportunity to see students in a different atmosphere. On the flip side, they were able to see me in another positive environment too!

As years passed, I realized it was not only the kids I was able to better understand, but the community as well. No matter what district you come in contact with, school sports ranks high on the priority list. Athletes continue to dream of grabbing college scholarships. However, we must not lose sight of the Vince Lombardi values, beliefs, and morals that come from participating in school sports. Here are some key sites with great articles:

Parents dealing with competition:

Virtual games to teach your children about competition:

Does your child find it difficult to lose? How to handle loosing:

Remember, kids need to participate in sports and experiment with all types of activities. Through exploration children will find something they enjoy. Although it may not be sports, other recreational activities like dance or music may be appealing. Success for your child means finding a positive way to enjoy life!

What do you feel makes a healthy, happy athlete? Want to talk with other parents about what works well with children? Share your successful techniques with others by selecting Parent Talk.