As soon as your child begins school, you automatically become part of a coaching team for your child. The team is made up of teachers, students and parents. What is the definition of coach? One who instructs, directs and prompts students in carrying out/performing specific strategies related to student success. Your job as a coach is crucial to your child's success.

Feature of the Month: Technology

Did the holidays bring any technology gadgets to your home? Or are you still searching to purchase some gadgets for your home computer? We have found some sites that might help you, as well as entertain you like learning more about technology.

Still don't have all the information you need to master some of your technological gadgets? Want to find out more, ask the Network Guy. The Network Guy is a 15-minute broadcast over the Internet that talks about different types of questions phoned or e-mailed in by viewers. Click here and then on "EBN" to check it out.

Do you have a strategy that works really well in your home? Share your successful techniques with others by selecting Parent Talk.