Starting School

Before embarking on our Back to School Adventure, there are a few things you and your child may want to do, before the school year begins.

Getting organized and developing a routine are crucial to a child’s success in the Adventure. What can you do as a parent to help enhance the probability of your child’s success? Below is a list of 5 quick and easy tips to do before school starts that help promote the skills and development of positive independent learners:

Tip #1

Slowly work yourself and your child into the sleeping schedule needed for the school year, a week prior to the school year commencement. This might be as simple as making bedtime 15 minutes earlier each night, as well as awakening a few minutes earlier each morning. Make sure your child gets at least 8-9 hours of sleep each night.

Tip #2

Clear out and clean up a work area that will be used for a child’s study area. Suggest to your child to keep area organized, label folders and keep some supplies for the school year at home for emergencies. This work area must be well lit and have all supplies handy. If this work/study area is near a window – even better! Natural light enhances learning and it is strongly recommended to perform homework during daylight hours. Any area is fine, as long as it is the "expected" area of study. For some kids, a kitchen table or a picnic table outside is fine – just as long as it is distraction free.

Tip #3

Call your school and ask if you and your child can visit and take a tour of the building. Some schools offer orientation programs and they are an element that is essential to a child’s success . Once at the tour, walk through a child’s schedule, practice opening lockers, and possibly meet a few teachers. This tour or orientation can also help calm first day jitters.

Tip #4

Once back at home after school, child should have a "drop off space" at home – where book bags, coats and "stuff" are stored. You may want to consider a old shoe box that can function as an "in/out" box for field trip notices, excuses and other papers that require either a signature or parent reading.

Tip #5

Mealtimes such as breakfast and lunch, during the summer can be lax. However, these two daily meals are essential to a child’s success. Plan breakfasts that your child can enjoy in the morning – no need to get fancy here! Sometimes a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a breakfast bar with a glass of milk is all. Ask your child what their preference is, do they want to purchase their lunch or brown bag one? Have your child help suggest lunch menus and also partake in the making of these lunches. Afterschool snacks can also be packed for those students with extended school day schedules.

Hopefully the few suggestions will fuel a quick and healthy start to a most successful Adventure in School.

Need some additional resources for getting your child in the mood for school? Learning can be fun! Check it out!

Do you have some ideas or suggestions to make the school year start successful? Share some of your successes at ParentTalk!

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